Tuesday, April 9, 2013



The title of our next challenge will be "Magnification".  

Get your cameras out and start zooming in on this great spring we are having. For added fun we can guess what they are. 

This could get more conversation going too.


I Don't Give a Hoot.
 This winter we have been visited by this Barred Owl  and been able to witness how other birds have just been so annoyed by his presence. It was a hawk screeching that first drew attention to the fact the owl was on a branch outside my studio window another day a large group of ravens were tearing off cedar boughs from branches above and bombing him to try and get him to leave. He didn't act too perturbed, he just move to a better branch for me to photograph and he would return several times more over the next few weeks. A friend that loves owls came over a told us that it was probably a young male trying to find a new territory.

To get something more whimsical I went to my hand dyed marbled, silkscreened and painted fabrics and chose some that had been fun experiments and made this to remember our winter visitor. I made a pattern by playing around in my photo program and drawing at my painting group one day.
Thanks to one of my painting friend for the title contribution.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

TEA TIME by Diane B.

a Whimsical Challenge

I started working on this challenge with thoughts of a fancy cat design but found it needed to be in a vertical format.   On to more thoughts and I came up with this idea.  

I never do fusible type quilts so this method was fun for a change.   The floral fabric was from a friend’s stash.   The background was quilted on to Timtex and most of the design fused then stitched on.   An enjoyable project.

Monday, April 1, 2013


I was so excited about the Whimsical Challenge and immediately began three months ago what I thought would be a brilliant idea.  I worked on the piece for bit-by-bit, but it seemed to never come together, soooooooooo finally last week, I ditched it and came up with the piece below.

I like that it is a happy and colorful piece. Besides the binding, the quilt began with all white fabric. You also may notice that I varnished the quilt- I just felt it needed the shine; I am glad I did.  I am not quite done with it yet; besides removing the painter's tape on the back holding the binding down on the back :-|, I would like to add a few beads on it.